There are so many incredible sponsors who help make General Assembly happen, including The Voice of the Martyrs. The Voice of the Martyrs is a nonprofit, interdenominational missions organization that serves persecuted Christians around the world.
Founded in 1967 by Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand, VOM is dedicated to inspiring believers to deepen their commitment to Christ and to fulfill His Great Commission — no matter the cost.
VOM focuses on indigenous followers of Christ who are in countries where Christianity is restricted or where governments and people are hostile toward Christians. VOM currently serves more than 70 countries, many of which are located in the 10/40 Window.
More than 4 million persecuted Christians receive help from VOM each year. Through this fellowship, our brothers and sisters are reminded that they are part of the wider body of Christ, encouraged to remain steadfast in their faith, and challenged to continue to advance the gospel where they live.
One of the largest functions of VOM is to recruit partners in prayer for these persecuted spiritual leaders. Bold believers advancing the kingdom in hostile and restricted nations have needs as varied as the places they minister and the persecution they face.
Surprisingly, over and over, the first thing they ask for is not the basic necessities they are in desperate need of, such as food and water. Instead, they ask for Prayer. VOM works to serve this spiritual need by hosting a space where Christians may gather and pray for the persecuted church. You can find this community at https://www.icommittopray.com
VOM also supports these indigenous spiritual leaders through persecution response. This may include providing basic living necessities, providing legal help, or helping to rebuild their home or church.
In addition, VOM smuggles Bibles to these Christian fellowships. They also provide frontline training and connect these persecuted spiritual leaders with the tools and education they need. Most importantly, VOM makes certain these Christians know they are not alone, and helps them stay faithful and true to Christ.
If you are attending General Assembly, visit Voice of the Martyrs in the Exhibit Hall and register to receive their free book, FOXE: Voices of the Martyrs, which they will happily ship to your home or church so you do not have to worry about packing it in suitcases for travel. For those of you at home, you can visit their website at https://vom.org